Friday, September 14, 2012

Up On The Roof

I was up on a bridge over railway lines looking for graffiti or murals when I spotted this roof garden atop a converted factory just off Sorauren Ave and so zoomed in for a pic. This street was lined with factories along the railway tracks until all the industries left and they became artist studios but gentrification has occurred and they are almost all converted to expensive lofts. This building was a Rawlings baseball glove factory in it's previous life but now contains 10 lofts, some with private elevators!
I didn't notice the ghost sign at the top until viewing the pic on my computer and I can't make it all out so will have to go back for a close-up. I have a feeling that it was something else before Rawlings was there.


  1. What a nice surprise to find the roof garden! I do like that so many buildings have been made into lots.

  2. I'd love to live in a building like that. I bet those lofts have tons of space. And a rooftop garden would be an added bonus! Nice find. :)

  3. Wonder what the view is like from that garden?Llooks like they have lots of sunshades.

  4. Wonderful photo! I used to own a Rawlings glove many moons ago! Nice to see another old building put to good use, too!

  5. I had a Rawlings glove also, and it would be neat to live in one of those lofts! I can still smell the leather!!!

  6. About 10 years ago, I took a tour of rooftop gardens in San Francisco. I wish more cities would do that. There are some interesting places that most of us know nothing about.

  7. Let me get this straight: "I was up on a bridge over railway lines looking for graffiti or murals." Huh? Get down right now, RedPat! You can hurt yourself!

    So, where are Rawlings gloves made now?

  8. That would be a great place to watch the sunset.

  9. Great use of roof space, I imagine there are some spectacular views to be had from up there too.

  10. Is it a private apartment now?

  11. This picture makes me curious about that ghost sign. You will definitely have to go back!

  12. Pretty exciting to see the ghost sign Pat, investigations are called for! Gosh if there are only ten lofts in this huge factory, they must be spacious and fabulous!

  13. It looks like a huge roof garden, Pat. I can't seem to find the ghost sign you were talking about. May I ask, where exactly can we find it in the picture? Anyway, urban legends are normal among old buildings.

    Willene Fagen

  14. It is, indeed, the ideal place for those who want to watch the sunset or just want to enjoy the magnificent view that this area has to offer. You would definitely have fun there, especially when having a cup of coffee or tea with your friends!

    Nelson Mcglaughlin
