Sunday, September 23, 2012

Word On The Street

Today was the occasion for the 22nd annual Word On The Street - the Toronto Book & Magazine Festival which celebrates reading and advocates literacy. It takes place on Queen's Park Circle from Bloor St in the north and goes all the way down to College St with hundreds of tents set up selling books & magazines,  authors signing books, authors reading, publishers advertising and generally anything to do with reading. There were thousands of people out for the event so many that it was difficult to get clear shots but I squeezed to the front at this booth to catch some of the frenzy. There were a lot of deals to be had!


  1. Hope you picked up a few bargains RedPat.

  2. You did pretty well getting a shot this clear. Busy people-filled scenes like this are hard for me to take decent photos.

  3. These are new books by the looks of it, not second-hand. Looks like a must-visit event. That's a great photo. Like Jack, I find it hard to get good photos when there are crowds.

  4. Now this is an event I'd participate in for sure. Wish we had one here. You got a great shot.

  5. A fabulous event. You caught a great picture Red Pat.

  6. I have just returned form there - and I gave up on getting any good photos. as you say there were thousands milling about. I bought a few books and met a few authors, though.

  7. A dream come true, all those books laid out just waiting to be read. How many years before this picture will just engender a great big what is that?

  8. Now that would have been real fun!

  9. An event I'd love to attend! - and your shot captured it well.

  10. It's a reading frenzy, hope you got out in one piece?!

  11. In past years I have attended this wonderful event! It's great!

  12. I love the idea of the variety of books Pat, but the crowds are a bit off putting. You did so well to get such super shot.

  13. I love the idea of the variety of books Pat, but the crowds are a bit off putting. You did so well to get such super shot.
