Saturday, October 6, 2012

Museum House

I thought I would show you a pic of the building that was reflected in yesterday's pic of the ROM.  The condo is called Museum House and I love the horizontal element of the planters along their balconies but since this is a very tony address I don't think I can afford one of the units since they start at $1.5 million and head up a lot from that. The wonderful old lanterns are atop gates that were originally  installed in 1901 just 1 block over but were moved to here in 1960 and actually form the northern entrance to Philosopher's Walk which I featured this week (and that guy with the guitar was in that pic too). It's a nice neighbourhood!


  1. Very fancy, not for my pocket... :(

  2. I am surprised that a place like this has uniform planters. I would have thought that the residents of each floor would have made their own choices. It looks great, though.

  3. I really like the greenery on all those balconies.
    Those lanterns are really very intricate.

  4. You should join the Toronto Tourist office Red Pat, such consistent good pix must encourage bloggers to visit one day! Have a good week!

  5. Those 'green' balconies are so cool! Great composition too.

    P.S. Sorry I haven't been posting or visiting lately but my free time has been entirely spent at the hospital where my mothet still is, after having had three infarctions. She's much better now and I hope she will go home soon.

  6. I wonder if that was a stipulation when buying here, to keep the facade looking uniform. Love the ornate lamps Pat, nice bit of history attached to them.

  7. To be honest, I've never particularly noticed this building. Those planters are neat. Wonder if you have to sign an agreement to all plant the same thing.

  8. What a great building, too bad it's so pricey to live there. I'm surprised the residents can keep those planter so uniform.

  9. I was thinking how I loved the planters, breaks up the monotony of steel and glass cubes. Nice.

  10. What is a 'tony' address? Expensive, I'm guessing, but I've never heard that expression before.
