Sunday, October 7, 2012

Queen's Park Carving

I love to discover carvings on the older buildings in the city and Queen's Park which is the location of our provincial government is a treasure trove of wonderful examples. The pink sandstone is so lovely when carved as in this example. This is probably a lost art now!


  1. Just think, you can't really rub out a mistake and start again!

  2. I wonder... any significance to the interwoven design?

  3. These days they make a plastic mold and glue it on. Nobody, sadly, really values artisans anymore.

  4. It is like following a maze keeping track of the lines.. I think it is a lost art, so we should save all that we find.

  5. Beautiful. I love finding things this too! Great find.

  6. I think you may be right Pat, that's why it's so very special when you find one. The pink sandstone is visually very appealing.

  7. I wonder how old this is as it appears to be in excellent condition.

  8. How gorgeous. Not a lost art, sadly it is just that no one is willing to pay for it anymore Easier to get something mass produced from China.

  9. This is a really nice sign in toronto! I'm liking the detail and the originality!
