Monday, October 15, 2012

Smoking Fish

Yet another mural by UB5000 but this time there are no little yellow birds visible only fish which is suitable for the location on the side of a fish store in Kensington Market. You can see that the fish towards the right is wearing a chain with UB letting us know who the artist is. I like that his title is 'Smoked Fish' and every fish on the wall is smoking and so is the old man!
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


  1. I'd be looking for the fish shop if I sae this.

  2. I like the blue fish and its red glasses. ;-)

  3. I like this one (and have it in my archives, somewhere, though I think yours shows up better than mine). murals in alleys are hard to capture properly :)

  4. This is a neat mural. The artist never let things such as the cables get in the way of his paint brush.

  5. A funny one. It definitely fits Kensington Market. ;)

  6. LOVE this - hysterical old man is smoking with his "hook".

    Great capture!

  7. Apt indeed, and hopefully the product is as good as the add.

  8. The artist has a delightful imagination.

  9. Fun mural, like the fish with a chain saw, those fish got attitude!

  10. Pretty unusual. Does the merchant pay him for the mural?

  11. This is superb! And the characterizations of the fish are with the type of smoking materials are right on! Great mural!

  12. Is that pilot fish at the bottom carrying a chain saw?! Yikes. These denizens of the deep look like they are not to be messed with. The UB5000 humor is showing through-- including the gold chained EB necklace. Yo! Thanks for contributing to Monday Mural.

  13. A very ironic mural Pat! Love the UB necklace, excellent touch.

  14. A very clever idea especially for the fish market.

  15. That's awesome. They have some interesting wall art in Seattle. If you ever get there, check out the Gum Wall. Colourful, but kinda gross too.
