Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Wychwood Barns Farmers Market

The Wychwood Barns are not barns in the usual sense but rather they were streetcar barns where maintenance was done on our fleet of Red Rockets (aka streetcars). Located in the centre of the city the barns became redundant and the whole property was leased to Artscape which has redeveloped the site to include parkland with even a dog park and the barns have been changed into multi-use spaces such as artist studios, non-profit green houses, and community use areas. The Saturday Wychwood Barns Farmers Market will be moving inside for the winter in Nov but this past weekend all the wonderful goodies were still outside! 


  1. I used to operate streetcars out of Russell Division on Queen St. I'm glad they have put Wychwood Barns to good use.

  2. I love walking around a good market! Great place to people watch.

  3. Nice shot. I love Farmer's markets.

  4. I love all the colour. So sorry the market will be moving inside because that means winter probably is on its way. ;)

  5. I love the idea of multi-use spaces, we don't have them here, unfortunately! ;-)

  6. All the veges look so delicious but, that winter coat and hat in the foreground is a little intimidating to this desert rat.

  7. Farmers markets are popular over here too, all the stuff looks really fresh and tasty.

  8. The produce looks wonderful. They must use greenhouses to grow anything in your area during the winter. Would like to see what is offered then.

  9. Oh, yes, people are wearing heavier clothes and we are going inside. It is that time.

  10. What a great way to repurpose property that otherwise might have been turned into a parking lot or another fast-food joint! I'm really impressed with all the cool things you have in Toronto!

  11. Looks like it's getting a little chilly now, but it's good to see the traders still doing brisk business.

  12. Love the smells of the fresh veggies at a farmers market..how weird that you're cooling down and we're heating up!

  13. I am glad they found a new use for the old barns. I will have to check this market out. :)

  14. Last of the outdoor market still has some great looking crops.

  15. Our Farmer's MArket has closed down for the winter...it has no no place to move inside. Nice colorful shot of the areas and the fresh goodies. I feel sure you did not go home empty handed. genie

  16. Love these farmers markets, I always seem to discover something new to place on the dinner table!

  17. Wonderful way to use outmoded buildings and property. Kudos for the community!
