Friday, October 19, 2012

The Pottery & Glass Show At Wychwood Barns

This past weekend Barn 2 at the Artscape Wychwood Barns was taken over by "The Pottery & Glass Show", an annual show put on by Fusion: The Ontario Clay And Glass Association which features the work of some of the member craftspeople. This is the same space I showed you yesterday and you can see how adaptable the space is especially with the wonderful light from the skylight which by the way is an original feature of the space although thermal glass has been installed in it. All of those doors along the right side wall are entrances into individual artist studios that are permanently at the Barns.


  1. These artists are so lucky for having their studios in this place! ;-)

  2. I like pottery but love glass. I'd have a blast in this place. Lois Anne likes red glass.

  3. And I like glass but love pottery. I'd have a blast in this place also!

  4. Ideal place to show off glassware, were you tempted into a purchase RedPat?

  5. So Fabulous. Jealous, love love love pottery shows.

  6. I wonder iff any of the artists from the gardiner exhibit I saw are there. ;)

  7. I'm mostly in the like pottery/love glass category, but of course it depends on the piece. I would definitely have attended if I were up there.

  8. Great space for this type of thing, perfectly sheltered from the elements too!

  9. Pottery and glass show. Very appealing!

  10. This is a show I'd love to attend. I have quite a pottery collection going.

  11. Looks like some fun times in these barns... no manure. hahahaha

  12. It's great repurposing these structures and giving them a new lease in life.

  13. OOOH! I would love to wander through the pottery and glass.

  14. This is one place I would like to be.
    One gets to see onew ideas on pottery.
