Friday, October 12, 2012

Yellow Splendour

Another shot from last Sunday, this was taken on the U of Toronto campus. It seems that we are seeing more fabulous displays of yellow trees this year rather than the vibrant reds we usually see. It must be the result of the dry, hot summer we had!


  1. It's so beautiful, it's a pity we don't have these colours in autumn here!
    Cool title too! ;-)

  2. Pretty RedPat. I am seeing a lot more yellow, too, but I don't know why. Also, the colors turn and the leaves drop. The leaves don't hang on the trees with their bright colored leaves as long as they used to.

  3. Lots of yellow here too - and some high winds are blowing them all down very fast.

  4. the yellows look majestic when they are in rows like this, but I still prefer the reds.

  5. These remind me a bit of Colorado aspens, but they're more "wispy." You won't see such a gorgeous sight in Florida - darn it!

    Thanks for your kind words!

  6. Mmm, beautiful. Whoever planted these trees knew what they were doing.
    Obviously on a Sunday the students are all busy elsewhere!

  7. All photographers know what the golden hours are. In this case you have found the golden scene.

  8. A very enticing canvas of yellow.

  9. The are positively glowing!

  10. The vibrant yellows are very beautiful here. Yellows photograph well under dreary skies...not that Toronto is ever overcast. :)

  11. There are some nice reds and oranges up in my neighborhood. But I do like these yellows!
