Sunday, February 3, 2013

Carving At Osgoode Hall

This is a detail shot of some of the carving that can be found on the facade of Osgoode Hall which was constructed in the mid 1800s and being co-owned by the Government of Ontario and the Law Society of Upper Canada, it is a focal point for much of the legal activity in Ontario. I am amazed at how wonderfully preserved the carvings are for a building of its age and also because of the building's location at one of the busiest intersections in downtown Toronto. 


  1. Really, Really gorgeous. So glad to see it is in such great shape.

  2. They don't build em like that anymore

  3. Looks quite elegant. It's wonderful that the building has survived for long and is still in good shape!

  4. I wonder if it is decorative or symbolic carving, maybe both!

  5. Pretty, aren't they? Much nicer than the bland modern buildings.

  6. Wonderful details can be found in old architecture. At the same time there is something to be said for the clean lines of modern design.

  7. Real craftsmanship, truly stood the test of time!
