Saturday, April 13, 2013

"Flower Power"

This wonderful steel sculpture, titled "Flower Power", by American artist Mark di Suvero was originally created for and installed during the International Sculpture Symposium that took place in High Park in 1967 (the 'summer of love' and the height of 'flower power'). As the years passed the condition of the sculpture deteriorated and it was taken down in 2008 and sent to di Suvero's studio to be restored and it was reinstalled in 2010 in this prominent location downtown, surrounded by condos and overlooking the main rail line into the city. The train is a Go train from our commuter train system.


  1. I like it and your commentary gave me a rush of memories of those years. I was in Chicago for the 1968 Democratic Convention when Mayor Daley said to his cops, "If the protestors give you trouble, shoot to kill!"

    What a time that was!

  2. Nice shot. My eye was drawn to the commuter rail. The locomotive pulling that train was built in Boise Idaho by Motive Power, my employers number 2 customer. I sold a lot of the electrical parts for those trains.

  3. Ah, the hippie years. I wasn't around for that. Nice steel flower.

  4. I remember those years! I'm glad the sculpture was restored. It looks great there.

  5. Good that it was restored. It's a striking sculpture.

  6. Love that it's an authentic relic from the Summer of Love!

  7. The sculpture looks 'fab and groovy':) So glad they restored it and didn't replace it Pat. Double storey trains, we don't have them here in Perth, first time I went on one was in Sydney.

  8. That train is so unique! A great composition, well done.

  9. Looks as good as new.
    I love double decker trains. We have to go to Europe to see them - they haven't made it here so far.

  10. Glad you explained the title, I have always felt his titles were so obscure. Love it's restoration and seems a fitting location as well

  11. Glad you explained the title, I have always felt his titles were so obscure. Love it's restoration and seems a fitting location as well

  12. That's a bright, bright red.

  13. That is a very industrial looking flower, works well with the site.

  14. I like it, but I never would have guessed it was a flower!

  15. Interesting sculpture, although I don´t see the flower anywhere. Must be me.

    Nice composition, btw...

  16. It adds a real dash of colour to a grey background!

  17. I agree that it's in a great location.
