Friday, April 12, 2013


I have started keeping my Amaryllis bulbs after they have finished flowering and just keep watering them a bit all year and they are rewarding me by flowering again each spring. This red beauty is from 2 years ago and it has just opened up this week which is a treat since spring seems to be late arriving here.  The bulb from 3 years ago has a large bud too so I am looking forward to a show from it in the next week or so!


  1. Is this where you got your name from Pat?

  2. That looks like the dictionary definition of 'red'.

  3. Such wonderful showy blooms. I didn't know you could keep them going all year.

  4. You are certainly doing something very right! I have an amaryllis bulb that has leaves. Just leaves. Yours is very pretty.

  5. How do you do that? I just look at a potted plant and it keels over and dies! The only time my thumb got green was when eating a green jelly bean!

    This is so beautiful!

  6. Good for you, RedPat. I haven't grown amaryllis in many years, but I always tossed the bulbs out after they bloomed. Big mistake, I see.

  7. I can't believe how large these get.

  8. Now that is a RED flower, gorgeous!

  9. How wonderful to get two blooms Pat, that is such a beautifully exotic bloom. Looking forward to the next bloom later in the week.

  10. That's what I call a green thumb my dear! What a gorgeous amaryllis...
