Monday, May 27, 2013

New And Old

I spotted this mural on the side of a building housing a centre for seniors services in the Mount Dennis neighbourhood of the city. This mainly working class area has been a busy industrial centre in the west end of the city but much of the industry is now gone - the man in the mural with the camera is a reference to the huge Kodak plant that operated here for 80 years and was a major employer in the area until closing several years ago. The 2 ladies represent volunteers with the Meals-on -Wheels program run out of the senior centre, while the trains of various vintage represent the railway which runs through the area. Much work is being done in this area to help bring it back to its former self.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


  1. glad they are not letting it go...

  2. Very cool! I had to Google Mount Dennis as I had never heard that name for the area.

  3. it is in sharp contrast with the new cars parked in front.

  4. It's great when a city works to renew itself...the mural is so well done and I especially like the way it combines past and present. Do you have a lot of wee cars there?

  5. I've seen lots of murals about the history past but this one is unique.

  6. That's a nice one, love the gentleman with the camera and the flat cap.

  7. Great idea for a mural and nice memories for older folk in the area.

  8. I love these kinds of murals. It's nice to have someone who can explain the meaning a bit too! It's an eye-catcher for sure.

  9. Neat mural. Don't you just love it with cars parked in the way?

  10. Those car owners could have shown more courtesy...
    Nice mural.

  11. That's a really nice mural. Isn't it sad the way kodak has fallen by the way side. Once a great company, now it's almost obsolete.

  12. As you probably know by now, I love historical murals. Good luck to the campaign to revive the neighborhood. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  13. I miss Kodak.....
    I also miss all the trains that used to rumble past......

  14. Now, this is a mural that I like. The painting is well done and it means something.

  15. Love the retro feel this one has!

  16. I hate to admit this but before reading this I had never hear of the Mount Dennis neighbourhood. I think I've been in the area, though, so I'm about to search for it on Google. :)

  17. Cool - thanks for the information, makes it make a lot more sense.

  18. Glad to hear it Pat. A mural with meaning is a good mural! I often wonder about the many people who must have lost their jobs due to the invention of digital cameras.

  19. That's very nice. And three Smart cars...

  20. A graffiti very good .. I really like this street art.
    A kiss.

  21. I enjoyed reading the description. It's a great mural!
