Sunday, May 26, 2013

Typical Toronto In-fill

I am not sure if this style is restricted to Toronto or not but it has become the typical in-fill style here where an older usually smaller home has been replaced or renovated. The style involves a variety of box shapes, a cantilevered roof over the porch, horizontal wood strips, and often cast concrete elements.  Some of them work quite well and I'm curious if this style exists just here or is it in your area too?


  1. rather modern. i kind of like it, but i'm afraid i'd tire of it quickly.

  2. Great way to fill a space, we don't have any buildings like this in Llandudno though. Although the nearby Welsh Assembly Building is quite similiar in styling.

  3. It's really narrow! We don't have them here, I think they are popular in large metropolises.

  4. They're here too. That one looks okay, but some of them tend to look like the architect was playing with children's blocks, and really clash with the neighbouring houses.

  5. See them around occasionally in the suburbs. They have to make a real special case to build one in the city centre.

  6. It seems like a relatively attractive way to fill the space. I can't remember seeing one of these in greater Hartford, but it would not look out of place in some areas.

  7. I see these in more and more magazines lately. I love it.

  8. I've seen a couple like this in Hamilton. I like the look but not sure they fit on a street where all the other houses are the same bay and gable type.

  9. Yup I've seen them here too Pat, I like excellent way to utilize a small space.

  10. I haven't seen it here. I like the look of the place but, it doesn't seem to fit the neighborhood.

  11. It's very cool. I like contrasts but in this case I think I would prefer a more traditional design to fit in the neighbourhood.

  12. I don't think I've seen any like that round here. I don't dislike the style but it would depend on the neighbourhood I guess.

  13. I'm not sure I like these "fill-ins". On their own, they are nice, but I prefer when there is more architectural harmony in a neighborhood. We have a lot of new builds around where I live. But not as modern as this one.

  14. I can see why people build them as they appear to use space efficiently, but I think they are going to look dated very quickly and they don't have the same charm as the surrounding houses. Just sayin".

  15. I like this architecture!
    Family problems have prevented me from coming. Today I'm watching everything you have posted :))
    A kiss.
