Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tea In The Garden

This scene made me think of a tea party in the garden which would be a lovely thing at this time of year  especially under that beautiful tree. I captured this in the front garden of a  home in the Seaton Village neighbourhhood where most of the front yards are full of flowers & plants and only rarely have lawns of grass.


  1. Now that's how a front yard should be!

  2. What a lovely place for a nice cup of tea!

  3. What a delightful spot to enjoy afternoon tea!

  4. Oh yes, this is a perfect spot for a cup of tea, and iced tea, or maybe even sandwich. It's so nice to be outdoors for a while. I've been finding myself sitting on my back patio every evening for an hour or so while it's still nice enough to do so. Pretty soon it will be way to hot to be outside for very long.

  5. How lovely! A tea party would be lovely right about now.

  6. Nice welcoming garden, glad you are having some warmer weather.

  7. I've always thought lawns (on such small yards) are a waste of space. There are so many other options!

  8. Edenic! I would join you for a tea party but I'd probably have to have a cup of coffee with a scone, perhaps?

    It is such a delightful scene and I'm glad to hear about lawns without grass...if it can be done, that's the way to go, I think.

  9. What a pretty place! I love sitting outside in a garden, enjoying the fresh air and the beauty.

  10. The apple trees are adding lots of colour to the city.

  11. And what a beautiful garden it is.

  12. I could spend hours in this lovely garden! ;-)

  13. This is a pretty front garden.
    I hope the owners don't mind our tea party.

  14. I totally believe in front yard gardens! I have one (which needs weeding), and the Town of East Gwillimbury helps sponsor a front yard garden contest in which 50 gardens display a congratulations sign on them from July through Labour Day.

  15. A beautiful home!
    Without your permission I stay here.
    A kiss from Béjar.Salamanca. Spain.
