Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I couldn't resist a shot of this vehicle belonging to one of the many dog care companies that you find in the city - so many people hire dog walkers or send their dogs off to doggie day care! A TV station from Buffalo is famous in this area for the statement "It's 11 o'clock, do you know where your kids are?" that they play before their night news so the quote on the back of this car is brilliant!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. Great play on words!

  2. I might have to look into the business model for this type of business. It sounds perfect for me.

  3. Funky vehicle and fun shot. I'm not sure I get the "tire-biter" thing. Dogs may pee on tires but I don't think they bite them. :)

  4. Hmmmm... tire biter? Dog sitting was not my first thought upon seeing this.

  5. Cheerful looking car but the cultural reference passed me by. I though it was the local dog warden!

  6. Until I read your description I thought it was a tyre company that repaired dog-bitten tyres.

  7. this is even funnier after I looked up 'tire biter' on urban dictionary.
    it seems to be a reference to [a woman] who dates a man for his nice vehicle!

  8. this is hilarious <3

  9. The dog on the add is sooo cute!
    The telephone number was a very cool idea! ;-)

  10. That's inventive! Great way to stir a smile and interest!
