Monday, June 24, 2013


This is another mural in the Islington neighbourhood done by John Kuna - this one done in 2011 and titled "Aftermath" and depicts the clean-up that took place after Toronto was hit by Hurricane Hazel in October of 1954. 81 people were killed in Ontario during the hurricane, most of them in Toronto when the houses on a whole west-end street were swept away during the night by a raging Humber River. Those floodplains have now been turned into parks but extreme flooding that is taking place in Western Canada now has demonstrated that whole towns can be flooded out in very short time periods no matter what precautions are taken.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


  1. Lovely mural, but what is happening in Calgary is jus frightening.

  2. I like that so many of the murals in Toronto have such meaningful history behind them Pat, and so beautifully painted. Is there ever any problems with tagging on them?

  3. Up until relatively recently, I never thought of hurricanes hitting the northern climes. And I don't remember Hurricane Hazel even though I graduated from high school in 1954 in Minnesota. It's a very poignant mural.

  4. Fantastic!
    It's a great idea to make these murals to remember stories that have happened.
    A kiss.

  5. What a terrible tragedy, and this is another amazingly lifelike mural.

  6. so sad. and still it continues...

  7. A fine mural shot to commemorate this tragic day in Toronto's history.

  8. What an amazing mural, I too was wondering, do they ever get tagged?

  9. Very scary in light of what's happening in Alberta!

  10. Huiii... this is a fantastic mural!

  11. History on the sidewalk. Though the story here is sad, I love this mural! Seems to be getting a lot of attention too!

  12. The elements have been devastating both past and present. I heard about the flooding in the western part of Canada on the news this morning.
    I just spent last weekend in Chicago visiting friends there and it just so happens that one of that couple is in Toronto today for a job interview. Small world.

  13. That's work of stunning quality. We don't get too many hurricanes in the UK, but have had some tragic flooding - and it's getting more frequent.

  14. Wonderful find. I love the realism and the color. I'm sure Alberta will have some murals of their own in 50 years or so!

  15. Excellent mural of a very tragic happening.
    So awful about Calgary. MB

  16. An evocative reminder beautifully presented.

  17. I especially love how art is telling stories in platforms outside of main galleries

  18. A fine tribute to a disaster that hit Toronto when I was kid living in the east end of the city.

  19. Kuna's work creates such immediacy. You are there and witnessing it all. Including the intensity of emotion as if you were there. He really creates wonderful gifts for your city. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  20. At first glance, the copter almost looks out of place.
