Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Film-shoots are really common on the streets of downtown Toronto but not all of them have such a great trailer like this Airstream. This shoot was for a cookie commercial and involved renting a local cafe for a whole day and employing a huge crew including caterers. And then the next day they were at another location just down the block. All for a short commercial!  The reflection on the trailer was a surprise when I looked at the shot later.


  1. That is a great trailer for a film shoot. Most of the time they are rather bland white and square jobs. I used to see this going on in Chicago when I was working there and San Francisco when I worked there. I rarely see it here in Phoenix.

  2. Love those old Airstreams. Catches one's eye and is appreciated as a unique camper by many. Owners appear to be a close-knit group.

  3. Love those airstreams, something about them. Reflection is really great.

  4. Wonderful looking trailer, so shiny it creates great looking reflections too!

  5. Futuristic and retro! Well spotted.

  6. I've only ever seen one of those airstreams and it was over her in the uk. It was pretty impressive to say the least.

  7. The whole process of film-making, no matter what it is, fascinates me. Love that reflection! Toronto is a most interesting city even if it is very expensive! :)

  8. love the airstreams, so cool!

  9. We get some film shoots up here too... not many, but some.

  10. You are right about the reflection. It was the first thing that caught my eye.

  11. Airstreams are so cool. I always have trouble finding out what the film shoots are for, so you did well.

  12. So, have you been able to get a role as an extra yet?

  13. A very cool trailer. Money in ads huh

  14. But the cookies, the cookies... Where are they? mmmmmmm

  15. It looks kind of retro! Don't you love it when you download a shot and find these little extras! I would have been happy to be in this advert Pat, I can eat cookies really well :)

  16. It is a film trailer? I like :))
    The reflection is very good Pat.
    A kiss.

  17. Cool reflection! Yep, sometimes my camera sees reflections that my eyes did not until I saw the photo on the computer.
