Sunday, June 2, 2013

Gate On Courtyard House

Last weekend was Doors Open in Toronto when hundreds of buildings which are not usually open to the public are open.  This year one of the opened buildings was a laneway house which I first showed you in 2010 (here) and which I was thrilled to see on the inside. We'll start with the lovely gate leading into one section of the house - beautiful isn't it? I'll show a couple of more pics over the next days.


  1. almost like an oriental shoji screen.

  2. Yes it is Pat, love the ivy covering the wall. Exciting to be going inside :)

  3. We have ours this weekend. I've been all over... a couple of more places to go this afternoon, but they're close by.

    Lovely place. I look forward to the other shots.

    I know Doors Open is spread across the province, but I'm wondering if it's common in other areas.

  4. Looking forward to seeing behind that very smart gate.

  5. That really is a wonderful gate. I'll look forward to seeing more.

  6. That looks nice, and to me an Asian style.

  7. Tis a beaut, loved your decay shot.

  8. Always very interesting to see buildings that are normally off limits. This one does have a very attractive and modern looking entrance!

  9. It comes very interesnate ... I'm willing to go with you :))
    A kiss.

  10. This is quite an appealing entry, with the warm wooden grid door and the leafy green wall.

  11. I wish I had attended this Doors Open!
