Monday, June 3, 2013

Courtyard House - The Studio

The Courtyard House from yesterday's Doors Open post was pretty crowded with people so it was difficult to get interior shots but at one point the courtyard emptied out and I caught this pic of the courtyard and a view into the "studio". The couple who own the house are architects (their firm is "Studio Junction") who work from home in this very cool space. Both the house and the studio have interiors of this lovely warm plywood. Tomorrow a reverse shot of the house taken from the studio.


  1. What an interesting place to live, love the rich shades of the wood.

  2. This looks like the perfect inspirational space to be creative Pat, just look at that amazing bench.

  3. Un hermoso jardín para relajarse.
    Un beso.

  4. This is a home? Not a restaurant? Why all the people if just a home?

    Well, I know it's gorgeous. I love wood, all kinds of wood! Wouldn't this be a grand place to work?

  5. What a lovely looking place, not surprised they are happy to show it off a little.

  6. I wouldn't mind a studio space like this.

  7. What a fantastic looking outside space!

  8. this is a beautiful and relaxing spot. I think I could draw inspiration from this spot.

  9. I like this style - relaxed and comfy and friendly looking.

  10. I wood like to have a table like that.
