Friday, June 7, 2013

Looking From New To Old

I am still showing pics from the Munk School of Global Affairs and this pic gives us a view from one of the newly renovated classroom/meeting spaces out into the restored entrance hall of the building. Apparently before the restoration all of the wonderful arches (even the tops of the doors) were hidden by drop ceilings and it was a pleasant surprise for the architects to discover all of the wonderful brick arches intact as was the original tile floor.


  1. What a great photo and what a nice doorway.

  2. I'm glad they uncovered those arches. What a fabulous doorway!

  3. Seems strange that a past generation would have covered the evidence of these arched doors. I think they are handsome!

  4. And bless them for taking the extra money to bring back those fabulous arched doors, love the tile floor too.

  5. Love the unusually shaped doorway!

  6. Quite a place to work in. Good shot!

  7. That hint of a tile floor looks wonderful. They offer quite a contrast with the simplicity of the arched doors and white walls.

  8. Old buildings hold many hidden delights.

  9. I can imagine how finding those arches and the original tile floor must have been a great delight! The whole place is gorgeous!

  10. Oh my how could anyone have covered up those arches Pat, what a fantastic discovery!
