Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"Do One Thing Really Really Well"

I spotted this mini belonging to Steamwhistle Brewery out behind a local pub and managed to get a pic before the fellow drove off. Steamhistle has a fleet of wonderful vintage vehicles, all painted in this great green, that they use for delivery and service calls all summer but the rest of the cars like this Mini are out and about all year. If you look closely on the back quarter panel just below the window you can see their slogan - "Do One Thing Really Really Well" - they make only one kind of beer, a pilsner. I didn't notice until I opened the pic on the computer that the nice guy gave me the thumbs up as I took the pic!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.
To see one of the vintage trucks I have posted click here.


  1. Cool shot! I really like Steamwhistle. Although I've never seen any of their vehicles out and about. Guess I'll have to keep an eye out. :)

  2. Great shot! I like their marketing strategy.

  3. Very cool! And I like that the guy gave you a thumbs up!

  4. Good advice. I think I spread myself too thin!

  5. That colour catches your eye!

  6. Love the logo, really dynamic looking!

  7. It is really good advice Pat, but seriously...I'd never get anything done haha! Love those nice little surprises when you download a shot.

  8. They have a ''56 Chev pickup in Vancouver. It's a complete electric conversion and apparently can go up to 200 miles on a charge.

  9. You were caught taking the pic! :-)

  10. One of my favourite beers. I didn't realize they had so many different vehicles.

  11. The thumbs up cameo is a great extra touch to the message of the sign! The vehicle certainly demands attention and is unique.

  12. Love that..a great way to advertise...and the slogan makes good sense. I'd love to try the product on a hot day ( the only time I like beer at all)

  13. Good sign and good beer. The last time I traveled on Porter Airlines I received one free Steam Whistle in flight.

  14. I've never heard of this beer, but I love the name!

  15. Never heard of this brand but if you say it's good, it must be good. Steam Whistle is kind of a funny name for a beer, but it is attention-getting like their vehicles.

  16. Were I ever to come across this beer I certainly would try it. Sounds good, and I like the idea that they use vintage vehicles for delivery.

  17. It almost seems too long for a Mini!

  18. I bet he'd give you another thumbs up if he saw this on your blog. :)

  19. Glad he gave you thumbs up! ;-)
    I like the company's slogan.


  20. That slogan makes one think, doesn't it? I don't think I agree with it literally, but I do agree with the idea of focusing instead of spreading oneself too thin.

  21. Never seen a brewer's dray based on a mini before - guess it works though.

  22. Great advertising idea ... I like cold beer in summer now :))
    A kiss.
