Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Peace & Quiet In The City

I escaped for a bit of a stroll around the Wychwood Park neighbourhood last week, hoping to see some of the resident turtles sunning themselves on the log in the middle of the pond but the sun went in and it started to rain on me so only 1 lone turtle is on that log. This is one of my favourite places to walk in the city - it is a private community meaning that the residents own all the roads and common spaces rather than the city but it is still open for all to enter - no nasty guards or gates. The main road in the 'hood circles this pond and if you look closely through the trees you can see the former home of Marshall McLuhan hidden away. I showed this home when no leaves were on the trees here.


  1. Sounds like my kind of place to explore and stay a while. ;))

  2. What a fantastic green spot in the heart of the city. I love places like this.

  3. I love little spots of nature like this tucked away in the city!

  4. Hard to believe this lush green oasis is in the city Pat, bet you feel just a little cooler here in the heat of summer, even if only an illusion :)

  5. The medium is the message! I think McLuhan was right on!

    These are the kinds of places in the city that help keep us human and from going totally nuts! So pretty, even without turtles...

  6. What a beautiful, very green space. I had a couple in the shop this afternoon who had come to visit from Toronto, apparently her grandparents came from Llandudno.

  7. Looks like a very peaceful spot to stroll through.

  8. Too bad about the lack of turtles, but it does look like a lovely, serene place to walk.

  9. It is a calm and pretty scene. If we ever have "green" as the monthly theme again, I expect to see this shot.

  10. There is something so special about urban nature parks.. they always make me feel like a child again, finding my own special hideaway that nobody else knows about.

  11. This is SO beautiful! What a wonderful nature shot.
