Friday, September 6, 2013

Queen St West Stroll

I'm heading off for a vacation tomorrow but am pre-posting for a couple of weeks and I am going to start off today with a series of pics I took a week ago while on a stroll along Queen St West in the stretch between Shaw St & Dufferin. This area used to be fairly run-down but as often happens, artists moved in, then galleries, small restaurants & shops and then the rents started to go up! There are still a lot of galleries in the area and this mural is found in the courtyard at the front of 2 of them. I could find no artist credit but I really like it!


  1. Colorful mural. Have a great vacation.

  2. really great mural! nice to see an area revitalized. enjoy your vacation!

  3. Have a great time! I love the colours of this one, very vibrant!

  4. Wow, colourful and fun to find on a walk.
    Enjoy your vacation RedPat.

  5. Cool vibrant colours!
    Hope you have a wonderful time my friend, maybe next time, right?! ;-)

  6. I do love all the colours.

    Have a great vacation, PedPat. Know that I am extremely jealous that you are somewhere different soaking up the atmosphere. ;))

  7. Yes, this is a brightly colored and well-painted mural. Enjoy your trip!

  8. It certainly is an eye catching mural Pat..have a wonderful break.
    P.s. am sitting watching Abbotts victory speech with a feeling of dread!
