Saturday, September 7, 2013

Queen West Streetscape

Continuing along Queen St from yesterday's location, this is a fairly typical piece of the streetscape in this area. The buildings are original to the street with some nicely restored and others with a few changes made and all containing small galleries and a couple of shops. That is a policewoman on the bike and even early on a Sunday morning I saw her writing a lot of parking tickets as I wandered along.


  1. Shesh!
    Don't get me going on parking tickets.

  2. I like the look of this street. It's looks like a great place for a walk and window shopping.

  3. Beautifuly quaint little row of buildings!

  4. That's a nice row - it might almost be in London, I've seen similar roofs there.

  5. How come that one building is so different?
    Pretty cool though. Hope you are well?

  6. I love the way the houses are different from one another. Too bad the shop on the right needs to cover the windows with metal, but the neighborhood does look nice and livable.

  7. I like this neighborhood. It is cool that the buildings are so similar but the color schemes differentiate them. I wonder if the "Odd man out" was original to the street.

  8. thank you for showing me where my daughter was probably strolling along a couple of weeks ago!

  9. Parking tickets don't seem to matter much to some people. Similar buildings can be seen in many southern Ontario towns...the bigger town, anyway, not mine. lol
