Wednesday, October 9, 2013


This is the wonderful sign and carvings found above the main entrance to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in the Bloomsbury area of London. One of the most exclusive theatrical schools in the world, the Academy was founded in 1904 and moved into this building in 1927. I love the style of the figures and their masks.
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. Very cool! I like how they are holding the masks sideways so people can see their faces. Different than just seeing the two masks - we see the people BEHIND the masks - the actors!

  2. Great composition RedPat!
    You always give us interesting info about the places you've been.;-)

  3. A wonderful expression for the dramatic arts.

  4. Very 'dramatic', the masks work perfectly!

  5. Oh, yes, the masks are just wonderful...conveying the whole idea of transforming into a role, perfectly.

  6. It's a wonderful photo, and a lost art. In LA, we have a few buildings, located in what was once the heart of downtown, with intricate, fascinating sculptures guarding doors and windows. Most were done by Italian artisans, back in the 1920s. And when this kind of work wasn't available, the Italians supplemented their income making tombstones.

  7. Nice detail, very classy, as you might expect from RADA.

  8. It's beautiful!


  9. What one sees may not be real, but a mask. Acting is putting on a mask, I suppose, in order to portray a character. Lovely sculptures. I'd love to visit this place and see what goes on inside.

  10. love the 'masked' figures. and indeed, it is very classy.

  11. That is a great sign over that door. Looks like it is in the Art Deco style. The Royal Academy has produced some great acting talent.

  12. Love how the sculptures say in 3D what the academy is all about.
