Thursday, October 10, 2013

Very Blue

The 4th plinth in Trafalgar Square in London is now occupied by this huge wonderfully blue cockerel which will be there until 2015. The intense blue hits you as soon as you approach the square - I loved it on a grey day - and relative to the size of all the pigeons below it on the plinth you can get an idea of its size. The artist is German Katherina Fritsch and she calls the piece "Hahn/Cock". The plinth has been the site of temporary sculpture since 1999 after remaining empty for over 150 years before that.


  1. Interesting color for a rooster.

  2. I just bought a ticket to London last night and will be going in November. I'll have to get some photos of this blue beauty.

  3. I love everything Rooster so this is just great! Love the color, love the size, and especially love the name!

  4. When you get cocky
    I get the blues
    I'm feeling rocky
    Got nothin' to lose
    Standing here upon a plinth
    In Trafalgar Square
    I'd fly away
    But I don't dare!

  5. Funky chicken...sorry, that's the first thing that came to my mind :)

  6. Gorgeous blue. What fun to know you were here in UK - and in Saltaire! I wish I'd have known and we could have met up - but anyway I was in the States as it happens. Glad you had a good trip though.

  7. He's very proud blue rooster :))

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Wow, the size and colour of this fellow should make up for several of the 150 years the plinth sat empty. It is difficult, looking at the photo, to believe the birds below it are pigeons. They look like baby sparrows.
    Great shot! I enjoyed it.

  10. I love this big blue chicken.

  11. I thought they had lions ... wonder why a blue rooster?

  12. Wow! I know it gets cold in the UK but that's just crazy :)) Super shot Pat.

  13. It adds a real zap of colour!

  14. Temporary sculpture is a fun idea and this blue chicken is indeed very blue. ;)
