Monday, February 3, 2014


A retaining wall along Bathurst St has been awakened by a mural running for hundreds of feet up the hill north of Davenport, hence the title for this post since despierta means awake in Spanish. This wall has been the site for mindless tagging over the years and so the city commissioned the Brooklyn artists known as Faile to produce a mural for the space. Faile is actually Patrick McNeil and Patrick Miller although they designed the piece and sent other artists to paint it. I will show more of this very long work over the next few days.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


  1. Good work. At least is not tagged anymore.

  2. Surprised to see Spanish in Toronto. Interesting mural, good to know its history.

  3. Interesting work here. Hopefully, it will be safe from future tagging.

  4. Very cool, weather looks cool also.
    Looking forward to seeing more of the mural.

  5. That's an interesting one. It brightens up the drab winter landscape.

  6. The owl certainly looks wide awake too, very impressive!

  7. it is interesting. not my favorite, though.

  8. Definitely brightens things up! I love the cute owlie!

  9. Thank you for the explanation of the word, "despierta." I shall endeavor to call out "Despierta" in a loud voice whenever certain members of my familia are sleeping too late!

    It's an interesting mural. I like the owl. So when a wall is painted like this the bad taggers leave it alone?

  10. Love the owl! I desperately needed to be awake today after a sleepless night, hopefully this will help me tomorrow!

  11. Toronto seems to adding new murals all over the city. Happy hunting Pat.

  12. We will be very awake, waiting the next post ;)

  13. Wonder why they needed US artists to design it, you have so many great murals right in your great city

  14. As I recall it is a steep climb up that hill. One would need to be awake to get to the top!

  15. I especially like the lettering with the flowers entwined. Look forward to the additional posts about this mural. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  16. Thanks for the information... I really love your blog posts... specially those on prakashsilks

  17. I wonder if taggers really will leave this one alone. Only time will tell.

  18. Love the owl! I love all owls :)
    I used to live at the top of this road and would have appreciated having this mural to look at during the climb!
