Thursday, April 3, 2014

Funky Footwear

Last week I visited the One Of A Kind Spring Craft Show which is an annual event here along with the Christmas version that takes place in November. Always one of my favourite booths is that of "Atelier Tout Autre Chose" where you will find this wonderful colourful footwear handmade by Denis Lapointe & Catherine Gineste from Quebec. You can buy shoes off the rack or they will even custom make a pair for you if you have special requirements. I have a pair of their shoes which I love - red of course!


  1. I have to admit this doesn't do much for me, but I can see how you might find this a pretty and exciting place!

  2. How fabulous! I see so many pairs here that Aimee would love and even a few that she has very similar. Come on Pat, how long did you stand gazing at these beauties :)

  3. This would be a very dangerous place for me to go. I could come up with all kinds of color combinations for a great pair of shoes.

  4. I love the One Of A Kind show. I usually go ay Christmas. That's some pretty fancy footwear!

  5. Are they the ones from your profile pic? :-)

    Love these, especially the ones on the wall. I'd buy some!

  6. Hi Pat! Thanks for your comment on Ocala. We visited the Corkscrew Sanctuary some years back and I took a number of photos. That was BD (before digital) though and I'm not sure where those photos currently reside! Great place. I'd never seen a stork before we'd moved to Florida except for one in Morocco when I was in the Navy.

  7. I would love shopping for shoes there! Red always makes me think of my grandmother because it was her favorite color.

  8. Those will put a spring in your step.

  9. Everyone needs a pair of red shoes!

  10. Ooh, gorgeous. I think I will celebrate my old age by wearing increasingly colourful shoes.

  11. This reminds me of a footwear shop in Lisbon where drag queens and prostitutes buy their shoes! :-) I have to go there and take some shots. Hope they allow me to... Thanks for the inspiration! :-)
