Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Rainbow Tower

This is one of 2 rainbow towers that mark each end of the commercial area of Church Wellesley Village which is the main LGBT enclave in the city and also ground zero for all of the activities of the annual Pride Week.  This year Toronto is the host for World Pride taking place in June so the restaurants and stores in the neighbourhood will be super busy. I haven't seen the towers at night but I've seen pics and they are beautifully lit up with the rainbow colours glowing!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. I love the rainbow towers. They are very attractive.
    I missed our pride parade this year. I had plans to go to take photos and then completely forgot about it. It's always so colorful.

  2. Fine looking tower photo. Very eye catching.

  3. They will make a spectacular sight!

  4. These are very decorative. I haven't
    been to a Pride Parade in years.

  5. They look great, of course we want see them at night now!

  6. I really like the rainbow colours. I didn't know Toronto was hosting World Pride this year. I bet you think I live under a rock. :))

  7. It's wonderful! I want to see what they look like all lit up too.

  8. The swirl of the rainbow colours is so beautiful. A great idea for public art.

  9. Interesting that there are official beginnings and ends of the LGBT community.
