Saturday, April 5, 2014

Red Choo Choo

I was coming down the stairs by Casa Loma a week ago just as this train with its bright clean red engine crossed along the overpass above Spadina Rd. Everything is so drab and grey here that the red was a real eye-stopper! If you continue down the street with you eye, that little strip of darker blue is Lake Ontario and hopefully it will soon be fine weather for walking along the lakeshore. 


  1. Looks like Maine without the 'big Blue' in the background.

  2. This is so good! Love it. Very nice and urban capture.

  3. Another great example of why one ought to have a camera at the ready at all times. Love this! And you were quick enough to get a nice, sharp shot!

  4. What a great photo.....I know those stairs and I always love Casa Loma. Anytime we have visitors from out of town Casa Loma is the first place I take them to see....

  5. A great view from those steps.

  6. That is a bright splash of color! That engine looks like it might be new!

  7. Beautiful wide avenue leading down to Lake Ontario Pat, there are so many times when I look at your images that I think your city has so many similarities to Perth.. except for the snow :)

  8. Beautiful capture, Pat. The train's presence is just right. I really must get up to Casa Loma the next time I'm in town.

  9. You sure were in the right place at the right time!

  10. Great photo with the CN tower, a tiny bit of the lake, and the bright red engine.

  11. You're right, that engine really does leap out at you.

  12. Those red CP engines use to run through our town until the CP sold the line several months ago. Love your urban landscape.

  13. The cityscape looks impressive and that is a great colour for an engine. Perfect for you RedPat!

  14. Oh what a fantastic coffee table book cityscape photo!

  15. Can't miss that spot of red. Nice shot.

  16. Yep, red sure does capture my eye this time of year! ;)
