Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Greenhouse in Spring

I showed you this greenhouse, which is part of Spadina House Museum, surrounded by snow last February (click here) and thought I would show it now. Also, in the background you can see what used to be a stable on the grounds before being converted into a dwelling for the gardener until the 1920s. It seems to be in use as a private home now.

The theme for City Daily Photo bloggers on June 1 is "Zest."


  1. how PRETTY! the greenhouse has enough neat details to make it stand out, but the blooms, green trees in back, the stable-turned-home. love!

  2. it has the look of spring now!

  3. That is a very elegant looking greenhouse!

  4. I've always thought greenhouses are the height of elegance. Once lived in a house where there was one with a professional gardener. It was terrific. Lovely photo.

  5. I have always dreamed of having a nice greenhouse like this to grow cacti and succulents in. Thanks for stirring up old dreams.

  6. Love the shape! I'm with John, I always wanted a greenhouse.

  7. I have a feeling this lovely greenhouse would look very pretty in any weather Pat, the design is incredibly appealing.

  8. That's an ornate looking greenhouse, very grand!

  9. Was there in the fall, need to go again!

  10. It is very lovely and perfectly situated in a lush environment! Nice to see so much green up your way!

  11. I love both shots, it looks so pretty under the snow and yet now in spring it looks positively joyful! You'll have to return in the autumn when the leaves are red!

  12. I prefer this scene over February's.

  13. Wow, what a beauty!
    Love the vivid colours RedPat! ;-)

  14. Hi Pat! Re your comment on Ocala: I'm guessing that entire building would go for about $150K.

  15. Hi again. I did some checking. Neither apartment is for sale. But the one on the left is estimated at $125K and the one on the right at about 71K. I have no idea why the difference as they look identical to me.

  16. Such a contrast between winter and now.

  17. I like the round shapes of the greenhouse, not something you see often. Lovely green colours too!

  18. Very inviting. This photo makes me want to explore more.

  19. There is a very similar greenhouse in Elizabeth Park, from about the same time period. I need to check whether I have shown it on my blog. And, there is also a nearby building painted a similar green color.

  20. (And, a lot of pretty girls posing for me? Why, RedPat, I didn't notice . . . . . )

  21. So beautiful! Just what I needed to prevent the damages of the January hailstorm on my tropical plants! ;-)
