Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Nordic Goodies

In a city known for its very diverse assortment of restaurants, we had been lacking a place to have a great assortment of Scandinavian goodies until a couple of years ago when Karelia Kitchen opened on Bloor St West. Karelia was the name of a wonderful store here in the 60s & 70s that sold contemporary design products from Scandinavia and this restaurant is owned by the son and daughter-in-law of the store owners. It is a Nordic smokehouse that also offers open-faced sandwiches, pastries, and traditional Nordic entrees. I've eaten there and it was really good!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. I would love to try this place!

  2. I'm right with Lois and Luis. This smokehouse and cafe has great appeal.

  3. I've never heard of this place. I wish I was there to try it, it sounds wonderful!

  4. It's now on my list of things to do.

  5. When you mentioned smokehouse I immediately thought of smoked salmon which would be exceptionally good on my bagel this morning.

  6. Sounds really tasty, love the bright, welcoming sign!

  7. I really like the choice of font as well as the crisp white against the eye-catching orange!

  8. Nice vintage feel to the place with a modern twist to it!

  9. I would LOVE to eat here. It is so nice that the family is carrying on the tradition even if they have changed to dining.

  10. It's an interesting family tradition.
    There just aren't enough Scandinavian restaurants in town! I'll haver to keep this one in mind.

  11. Love the sign. Being of the Swedish persuasion, however, I'd probably have to get permission before I'd dare eat Nordic food. :)

  12. Sounds wonderful!


  13. I will have to check it out! I like the saying on their sandwich board sign :)

  14. Convenient to have the address number there above the door... I'll have to take a look there the next time I'm in town.

  15. I am struggling to think if I have ever eaten in a Scandinavian restaurant. The closest I can remember was the cafeteria at IKEA. One of these days I want to tour Scandinavia, but it has not made the top of the bucket list yet.

  16. Nice sign. Looks like a really inviting place.

  17. I like the simple but eye-catching sign, and can only imagine the good stuff inside!

  18. Love the red tone behind sign. Like a highlight. Stunning.

  19. Hi Pat! Re your comment on Ocala re my comment on this post: That was very Swede of you!"

  20. Sounds good Pat, a little bit like our Miss Maud!

  21. Good place to enjoy a different menu ;)
