Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Plant Thieves

I was taking a pic of this planter in front of a local gallery and realized that I caught the "Stop Stealing Our Plants" sign in the window. There seems to have been a mini epidemic of plant thefts throughout the city this spring from both residential and commercial gardens. Who steals plants from someone else's garden? And do they go out looking for plants or is it spur of the moment? This particular planter had 6 stolen in one night!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. Don't think you will find it just happens there. People see a plant they like and want so just take it as they don't think it will be missed. Nice display though.

  2. Well, the pots with plants at our cemetery site have been stolen over the last few years too.

  3. That planter is filled with beautiful plants, but the sign is sad to see. Plant theft is both costly and annoying.

  4. We once had a woman walk into our garden and start cutting the flowers to take them with her.

  5. Wow...its sad. Its a lot of efforts to grow these beautiful plants...
    -- The Wanderer

  6. Unfortunately, I think it's a growing trend...

  7. That is a strange thing to steal but, then I noticed this last weekend that someone has stolen a clay jug that has been on my front porch for 7 years. Nothing in it, just a decorative southwestern jug. Strange.

  8. Oh I think some people will steal anything Pat.. The planter still looks glorious despite its missing fleurs :)

  9. that's terrible. but i could see disreputable landscapers doing it or folks who are too cheap to buy their own.

  10. Nothing is safe these days unless it is nailed down and even that is no sure thing from it disappearing. Hard to nail down a plant.

  11. It happens surprisingly frequently here too...

  12. Argghh that makes me so angry! Would you believe that people steal baubles on the Christmas trees here?

    These flowers are so pretty and happy but I don't think that sign is going to stop thieves...

  13. I have seen similar signs in Pickering.

  14. Sign of the times I guess, great looking planter.

  15. It seems the planter is even chained!
    I hope the plants the stolen plants all die in their new garden.

  16. Unfortunately, lots of people are jerks. (Excepting you and me, of course.) I put in a hedge of twelve hydrangeas along one side of my property line in Connecticut. From July through October, the blooms are very showy, and I regularly notice that someone has cut off flower heads (presumably for bouquets). It would bother me more if there were not literally thousands of flower heads, so I don't miss a few. Still, it would be nice to be asked first.

  17. It happens too often. It's pretty bloody underhanded.

  18. Sad to hear that this is happening. These are pretty plants.

  19. Isn't it amazing what people will do? Nice picture though.

  20. How seriously uncool for someone to steal plants. I remember having a whole mandarin tree stolen from our front garden many years ago. Very sad.

  21. Very pretty planter, RedPat. I've heard that some people even dig plants out of other people's gardens!

  22. Beautiful display! Those thefts must be very frustrating for the owners.

  23. Wow! That's pretty terrible and very un-Canadian!

  24. I don't get it either. Someone labors and spends money so we can appreciate the beauty and a thoughtless person steals it for their own gratification. Really senseless.

  25. How desperate are people, stealing plants?

  26. I only thought that this stuff happened in the US. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  27. Beautiful and colorful flower arrangement!!
