Sunday, September 21, 2014

Another Church On Bloor St

I've shown several churches that are located on Bloor St and this is one of the most lovely, St Paul's Anglican Church. What you are seeing is actually 2 churches - the smaller one to the right with the striped roof is the first church which was built in 1860 and designed by Edward & George Kent. The congregation outgrew it and the larger church on the left was built in 1913 and was designed by Edward Lennox who designed Casa Loma and our old city hall both of which I have shown many times. In 2006 a glass atrium was built to join them (slightly visible in the middle). The small church is now used for offices and has a chapel. I took this pic standing on the lawn of the Manufacturers Life building which I have shown the last few days. On the right edge of the pic, that is a still healthy American elm tree. 
Taking part in Inspired Sunday. Click HERE to see more religious buildings from around the world.


  1. Nice. Churches are good for cities, even for those residents who are not religious, because they provide attractive low-rise buildings to serve as counterpoints to the tall modern skyscrapers that eventually surround them.

  2. Both are beautiful but I think the small one is more interesting.

  3. love the sweet original, but the new is grand, too.

  4. I often look at your shots and think how much our cities are alike Pat.. wondeful churches.

  5. Beautiful churches! I am noticing nice green lawns in your photos.

  6. It looks like a little slice out of history surrounded by all those tall buildings behind it.

  7. A lovely church and so nice to see a patch of green in the city. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  8. This picturesque church is now over shadowed by high rise glass buildings. Is this a visual example of of commerce over religion?

  9. It really is a wonderful church. Beautiful old architecture amidst all those modern skyscrapers...

  10. Beautiful architecture. Huge church!

  11. They would look so much more lovely without those skyscrapers in the background.

  12. All over the world beautiful churches like this are being surrounded by business houses.
    I think the town planners in London have worked most sympathetically to combine the old and the new.
    There's a lesson there for other town planners - my city of Auckland, New Zealand included!

  13. it's huge. wow ... i wonder what it looks like inside. lots of rooms i bet. ha. ha! ( :

  14. Very nice. Honolulu's St. Andrews Anglican cathedral that some of our Hawaiian Royals founded also encompasses an earlier portion in this fashion. I love knowing so I can notice such things. Toronto has always had my fond appreciation. . . .

    ALOHA from [former royal capitol of the Nation of Hawaii] Honolulu
    =^..^= . <3 . >< } } (°>

  15. Looks like an extension to the first. At least it is still used and not left to go to ruin

  16. Handsome looking buildings - and I love the contrast between the Gothic and modern styles.

  17. I passed this church a zillion times when we were living on Danforth and have never gone in.

  18. I agree this is one of the loveliest churches in Toronto, although I'm sure I have not seen them all.

  19. Two lovely churches in one--how awesome! Both styles of architecture are wonderful.

  20. Nice church in the middle of skyscrapers!

  21. You know I love "your" architectural contrasts! :-)
