Monday, September 22, 2014

Under Foot

These little guys, each known as Stikman, have been popping up around the city and I have spotted several of them on roadways as was this one that was in the middle of Bloor St. The artist who is believed to live in New York City is anonymous but he has placed them in many different cities. They seem to be made of some thick rubbery material that obviously stands up well to traffic.
I'm counting Stikman as a small mural and am taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE for more murals from around the world.


  1. I like the idea of placing art in unexpected places! ;-)

  2. Oh he looks so sad and squished there :) i hope he turns up in Perth and that I actually find him :)

  3. He's a cute little guy! I wish we had some here.

  4. How fun to spot these little guys all over town.

  5. By the size of the aggregate I judge him to be not very tall.

  6. Stikman is about 7 or 8 inches tall - just a wee guy!

  7. A fine shot of this interesting mural. I like it pebbly background too.

  8. aww, poor flattened Stikman. Great find.

  9. I've heard of these, but haven't seen one here.

  10. I'm a little worried that you stopped in the middle of Bloor to take a picture of this. (but secretly am glad you did)

  11. These things have some charm, don't they?

  12. Knew about Alien Invader but didn't know about Stikman. Can't help but love a mystery. Will keep my eyes open to see if he makes it to Oaktown. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  13. Interesting! I was not aware of this new form of artistic expression... or whatever.
