Sunday, April 5, 2015

Inside At Last

The outside of yesterday's Church of St Mary Magdalene did not prepare me for the interior which was so beautiful and light. It was such a pleasure to walk in there and see the wonderful rood cross hanging in its bright environment. The cross was modeled by sculptor Frances Loring and was painted by Frank Johnston who was one of the Group Of Seven, a famous group of 20th Century Canadian painters. Apparently many of the windows along the sides of the church had been covered since the 1920s and were opened up again during a renovation in 2008. I'm so glad I got in to see this interior.
Taking part in Inspired Sunday. Click HERE to see more religious buildings from around the world.
Happy Easter everyone!


  1. That is a really beautiful church. Simple is often better than ornate. And a good choice for Easter!

  2. Simple, sober and beautiful!

  3. oh, i like it! simple and light with the focus firmly on the crucifix!

  4. Quite spare and clean. Interesting cross for sure. Did you notice if the altar was up against the wall? Some of the Anglo-Catholic folks still do that so the priest faces away from the congregation.

  5. I love it. Simple, tasteful and inspiring!

  6. It's always wonderful to see the interiors of old churches. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  7. Well that certainly doesn't disappoint! It's beautiful, simple and yet very striking with that Christ above.

    Joyeuses Pâques !

  8. It is beautiful and simple in design. Lots of light.

  9. And well worth an interior shot it is too, magnificent!

  10. The interior is simple but wonderful.

  11. Clean and bright!

    ALOHA from Honolulu,

  12. Simple, yet strikingly beautiful.

  13. wow, such a decorative cross ... i enjoy the view. Happy Easter. take care this week. all the best to you! ( :

  14. Hope you had a great Easter. This church is very simple, but I like it. THe cross is especially nice.

  15. Oh yes, it's so pretty inside Pat, the light is perfect.. Very happy you were able to go inside.

  16. It is beautiful. I love the white walls and high windows. So bright and cheerful.

  17. O yes it was worth the wait, Very nice

  18. That pretty and how much light is !!

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