Thursday, June 4, 2015

A PanAm Fence

This is yet another pic of the back campus of University College at U of Toronto, where the field hockey events of the PanAm Games will take place starting in mid July. The lower fence is the normal fence surrounding the playing field while the tall fence has been installed for security during the games. I'm impressed that it actually has a bit of decorative detail to it. That is the Soldiers' Tower beside Hart House visible across the field and the small white tents are for the games.
Taking part in Good Fences. Click HERE to see more fences from around the world.


  1. It is not bad for a security fence, usually they are plain and ugly. I like the tower too. Have a happy Thursday!

  2. i was admiring both fences, too! neat that the security fence is so pretty. :)

  3. It's rather sad that a "security" fence is needed. Soldiers' Tower is very impressive.

  4. They did a great job on that security fence. It blends in very well.

  5. A nice contrast between the modern and the old fence...

  6. Seems a bit early to erect tents for games that will not happen until July. Hope there is no summer storms to mess them up. Impressive fence. Is this to keep field hockey hooligans from storming the field?

  7. I remember passing this field on one trip through the area one summer years ago. It's quite a field, and quite a view!

  8. Do like that strong fencing! Beautiful tower.

  9. Pretty, especially for a security fence.

  10. Some of my friends Adults Kids I call them go there. Great University.

    Beautiful fence.

  11. Great looking building and the fences are quite nice. I like the pattern on the smaller one and yes even the taller one fits in and looks very nice.

  12. Nice and tidy and black. I like 'em black in cities.

  13. i really enjoy what is behind that fence. wow - what an amazing awesome view. love it!! ( :

  14. That fence is really nice, just good clean lines. Going to check for more pics of Soldier's looks really interesting.

  15. Nice shot with the buildings in the background.

  16. Nice design on the fence(s). Can't wait for you to cover the PanAm Games for us!


  17. Well that was a nice little touch Pat, don't see that too often with security fences! I think I heard that the Canadian Ice Hockey team will be playing against the USA team here in our Perth Arena, might have to investigate a bit more!

  18. It IS fancy, isn't it? I wonder if all the Pan-Am fences are like this.

  19. Very nice fencing and I love the tower in the background.

  20. A necessary fence, and it actually looks quite nice, and still shows off such a lovely view too.
