Thursday, June 18, 2015


This is the Lassonde Mining Building at U of Toronto. This Beaux Arts  beauty was built in 1905 and is one of the oldest buildings at U of T. It is now historically designated and even the inside feels as if it was in its original shape including a lecture hall that is perfectly maintained as it was in 1905 - I had geology lectures in there years ago. The pic I showed you on Tuesday was taken from up in that structure at the top left, part of an addition built into the attic.


  1. OH! I would LOVE to see photos of the interior. Hint, hint.

  2. looks pretty large and rather imposing! :)

  3. Yes! Photos of the inside please :) It is a lovely looking building and the greenery is so vibrant!

  4. This building reminds me of the grade school I attended all those years ago. I used to have a great admiration for the grand entrance and as a little kid, like to pretend I was some kind of royalty coming down those stairs.

  5. This is so beautiful. It reminds of "Old Main" at the first college I attended in Chicago and where I worked as a janitor at night to help pay my way.

    Thank you for your kind comment re the book. You are very generous in your praise!

  6. Beaux arts is another favourite style of architecture Pat, all those gorgeous arched windows, not to mention the entrance, tres joli!

  7. A grand looking place indeed, I imagine the interior is a real step back in time!

  8. In a large building. I like ;)

  9. Imposing and impressive. I've passed by this building as well from time to time.

  10. This one is fantastic too! You're making me want to be a student all over again!!!

  11. grand and interesting building

  12. So you CAN go home again! Or at least back to University! ))) how lovely it must be to take classes in this beautiful location!

  13. The interior is still the same? How surprising. So often, the shell is maintained but the interior gets updated. (You reminded me about taking introductory geology so many years ago . . . "Rocks for Jocks.")

  14. That's a beautiful building.

  15. Geology is a distant college memory....:) Great building!

  16. An impressive and elegant building!
