Thursday, September 17, 2015

Restored And Remade

A couple of blocks west on Queen St W from yesterday's buildings you will find this Second Empire building which was in relatively the same condition as they are. This one has become part of a new structure designed by Montgomery Sisam Architects where just the facade has been retained and restored and a side and back addition have been done. So even though this is a Heritage Conservation District that doesn't mean that changes can't happen. For those of you who know Toronto this was the former location of Silver Snail comics who had been there for many many years! And of course there is another condo tower going up in the background.


  1. Oh I was in Toronto a week ago and every time I visit there seems to be more towering condos morphing the beauty. Love that shot and building. B

  2. Thanks for pointing out this was the location of The Silver Snail. I took my kids there many times to updated their comic collections. It looks pretty good in it's present state.

  3. What an interesting combination of facades all in one building. I like it.

  4. Absolutely, and in my opinion I favor saving, redoing the old over all those new modern wonders!

  5. I remember dropping in at the Snail at this location when I was in town. Quite a difference!

  6. A curious mix, but the facade looks quite good!

  7. What a name--the Silver Snail! Can't you just imagine some kid telling his mom he's going over to the Silver Snail to buy comics. :-)

  8. I'm having a problem here. The left side is wonderful, but and this is a BIG BUT! Only the top two floors of the Second Empire are wonderful, the first floor is sad!

  9. It does look nice. I really love those three windows to the right on the third floor!

  10. Are there First Empire buildings?

  11. I like it! Are there any non-condo buildings being built in downown Toronto? I'm not complaining as the condos can afford beautiful views for the people who can afford them!

  12. From your photo I believe this is a clear case of architectural re-muddeling.

  13. This happens a lot here too Pat, it's quite weird to see skyscrapers emerging from heritage facade.. I'm just thankful that at least a little touch of the past remains.

  14. The wee buildings look very spruce. Not so convinced about the towers.
