Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December Theme - "Shop Window"

The December theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is Shop Window and my contribution is this elegant window from Holt Renfrew, an upscale store on Bloor St. All the supplies are there for gift wrapping Christmas presents and the 2 mannequins on the right are actually revolving on the rolls of ribbon. It is hard to take a window pic without a reflection especially on a sunny day.
Taking part in the theme day. Click HERE to see more shop windows from around the world.


  1. Good choice for the theme, Pat, such a large pair of scissors !

  2. I wished I lived in a place that still had shop windows. Malls are so boring in comparison!

  3. Very nice, Pat! I like upscale shops to look at. Can't afford to buy anything in them, though. Putting together window displays like this takes a lot of skill.

  4. I caught a glimpse while visiting someone else and HAD to come enjoy.
    I miss the fantastic shop windows we looked forward to each holiday season. Thank you so much for sharing. I am off to view others.

  5. I know what you mean Pat, but the reflections do give a lovely abstact feel to a window. Looks like you have this one 'all wrapped up' :) Sorry I had to say it before Lowell gets here :)

  6. That is a very creative window display and so pretty in all that gold. Those have to be the biggest rolls of wrapping paper I've ever seen and that bow could sit on top of a brand new car. (Wouldn't that be a nice surprise?)

  7. I love it! And I love window shopping!

  8. The reflections in the store window adds another layer of reality to your photo. Embrace the reflections.

  9. You're always sure to get some nice windows on Bloor Street. Nice choice for today's theme!

  10. Gosh! I feel almost like Christmas has taken off and I've been left grounded. :-)

  11. Very creative and a lovely photo. I'd like to browse in that shop ... probably not buy!

  12. Very nicely done!

    We had a Holt Renfrew here, until the corporate ownership decided they'd rather focus on the Toronto shop and it went bye bye.

  13. You chose a fine, traditional shop. Good choice.

  14. This is a great theme day photo. Thank you so very much for thinking of me. I spent the holiday back home in Phoenix. Now trying to get into the Christmas spirit. See you soon.

  15. Feels good somehow. Crisp too!

    Warm ALOHA,


  16. It's a wrap, a giant wrap! Great take on this month's theme, beautiful composition!

  17. That is really a beautiful window view!

  18. Quite an elaborate window display.

  19. Whoever designs this store's windows almost always does a great job.
