Saturday, December 19, 2015

Dinosaur At The Santa Claus Parade

Our Annual Santa Claus Parade took place a few weeks ago on a day that was very pleasant for the little kiddies to be sitting out for hours to watch it. One of my favourite floats was this one for the new Disney pic "The Good Dinosaur". And Christie Pits Park makes a great background it. I go down to the staging area on Bloor St several hours before the parade begins to get close-up shots of the floats but during the actual parade there will be kids in costume sitting on all the floats.


  1. What a goofy, friendly looking dinosaur!

  2. This is a very cute. I love the smile on the dinosaur's face!

  3. Sharon said exactly what I was thinking. The dinosaur's face is priceless!

  4. I've watched the trailer, the characters are so cute!

  5. Wish I had gone to the parade! Instead I was at another event in Toronto and got stuck in traffic. I just barely got to my event on time. But trust me, the parade would have been tons more fun! ;)

  6. really cute. just needs to be tromping thru some snow. :)

  7. I took my 2nd grade class to see this movie. So cute!

  8. Now, that is what I call one happy dinosaur. A nice green.

  9. It seems so odd to see a Christmas parade without snow in your part of the country.

  10. Doubly weird: no Christmas theme and no snow!

  11. It must be a good dinosaur. Look at the grin. Where are the Christmas things?
