Friday, December 18, 2015

Vintage Ambulance

I spotted this vintage ambulance on Bloor St just before the Santa Claus Parade began so I think it was going to be part of the leadoff for the event. Elegant isn't it? I have lots of pics from the parade which I will show you over the next couple of weeks.


  1. That is a fine looking car. It could double as a hearse also.

  2. A vintage car, absolutely well kept! Do they use it for movies?

  3. Wow, I haven't seen one that looked like that for many, many years.

  4. It certainly is a throwback. I'm also reminded of a hearse.

  5. That is just gorgeous! I saw an old hearse the other day that was being used as one would use a normal car. Weird!

  6. Curious how we went from these to vans.

  7. It looks more like a pretty white hearses than an ambulance. It really is a beauty.

  8. who ya gonna call? GHOST BUSTERS!

  9. Cloudia is right. This vehicle looks like it could have been in Ghost Busters. I'm looking forward to seeing your highlights from the parade.

  10. Brought back memories from when I was kid. Before the city of Toronto took over the ambulance service there was one that was operated by of all places a funeral home on Danforth Ave. near Dawes Rd. The one in your photo is a real classic.

  11. The most beautiful ambulance I've seen!
