Tuesday, January 12, 2016


There is a show of J.M.W. Turner paintings on at the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario) and they actually allow photography but there were so many people there when I went that it was hard to take pics of the work. I thought I would take a crowd shot and was spied by this gentleman who didn't look totally amused!


  1. You are being watched! Perhaps if you had yelled, "Okay, everyone away from the paintings!" you could have gotten better access to the art work. :)

  2. A very interesting exhibition and it is good to be able to take some pictures. Now they allow photography even at the Uffizi, where was once strictly forbidden.

  3. Maybe the old goat would be a happier man and one in a better moon if he loses a few pounds.

  4. There's always one Pat :) super fun shot.

  5. I love crowd pictures like this. I'm just always afraid to take them. ;-)

  6. This is a great shot. Would be even better if that guy wasn't in the photo and the entire bench was visible.

  7. I would enjoy this exhibition. The National Gallery lifted their rules on photography, allowing it for most items (unless there's a mark on the display sign strictly forbidding it). There's a Monet exhibit going on right now, though that one did have no photos allowed.

  8. I would love to see this show. I admire Turner's work very much. That guy looking at you made me laugh. I took a telephoto shot of someone across the arena at the last basketball game I attended and a woman sitting nearby looks like she is looking right at me and pointing. I was so far away she couldn't possibly have seen me but the photo looks like she is looking right into the lens.

  9. Oh but these are the best moments! I sometimes stand back and just watch crowds as they move about, just to see their expressions especially at an art show!

  10. His 'not amused' expression is worth it! I've caught a few of those myself!

  11. Lol, what a funny pic! Turner is wonderful though, but yes it's hard to appreciate art when you have to queue to see each painting, which is often the case here...

  12. Yep. I know about those crowds. Glad they allow photos.

  13. Laughing at Lowell's comment! I know what you mean though about trying to photograph with a crowd around.

  14. I'd love to see this exhibition - minus the crowds though.

  15. Joli post, de belle expo!
    Je te souhaite une belle année 2016 empreinte de bonheur, de joie dans la création!
    Bises- Cath.

  16. OOPS! He doesn't look at all pleased. OH well. ;)

  17. Don't worry. He was wondering why you didn't ask him to take a portrait photo of him.

    I would have loved to see the Turner exhibition. I have seen Turners at several different museums, but never pulled together into one exhibition.
