Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Turner Show

It was wonderful to see so many works by Turner all in one show at the AGO as I mentioned yesterday. It was much easier to get a pic of the poster outside the entrance to the show than it was to fight the crowds inside.
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. It's nice to know that this exhibition is drawing such large crowds. When I've mentioned Turner's name to some people, I've gotten blank stares and "who's that" questions.

  2. Nice poster for a very interesting exhibition!

  3. Quite an eye catching poster. I had the same thing with crowds at the Monet exhibit here, but inside there were restrictions.

  4. Lovely. Turner painted quite a lot of key sites around the area I live in Yorkshire.

  5. It's good that the exhibit was popular though! :-)

  6. Yes, taking a picture with the crowd is difficult.

  7. Two museums here in the Netherlands had a joined exhibition with paintings by William Turner last year, I visited both and enjoyed it very much!

  8. It's not as much fun when there are crowds. Maybe they thought this was Ted Turner or Ike Turner? Probably not. I tried to paint once. They caught me and said "Tie him up and throw away his brushes. But set the painting free!"

  9. I remember when Turner paintings were on display in Canberra some years ago. The queues to get in were unbelievable. Fortunately, we had passes and could take the shorter queue. Good idea to book before going.

  10. Must be the season. Glad it was well attended.

  11. not familiar with the artist, but if he poster is indicative of his talent, I'm sure I would enjoy coming to this.

  12. I went to this exhibit, but came away no more a fan of his work than before. Still, it was nice to see the paintings.

  13. I suppose fighting the crowds are the price you must pay to see a good show!

  14. oh, I love Turner's works. That must be a cool exhibit to visit.
    hope you are keeping warm, RedPat!

  15. looks like a great exhibit! darn crowds ha!

  16. Just seeing the sign gives one a glimpse of beauty!

  17. I just know this would be wonderful to see! So happy you got to see it.

  18. Darn people getting in the way Pat :) Would have been a brilliant exhibition to see.. never know, it might make its way over to Perth !
