Thursday, February 25, 2016


I showed you a section of this gatehouse previously (HERE) and when we got a bit of snow last week I decided it was time for a pic of the whole thing. Although its setting was originally rural only the width of the sidewalk separates it from the very busy Bayview ave now.
Taking part in Good Fences. Click HERE to see more fences from around the world.


  1. Hello, what a pretty gatehouse. Looks very grand! Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  2. Such a solid structure Pat, that's going to be around for a long time yet! Love to see footprints in the snow :)

  3. Wow, that gatehouse is bigger than I imagined.

  4. It's a beautiful structure, Pat !

  5. Beautiful wall/fence and great wintry shot ~

    Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

  6. A very nice gatehouse ! The yellow hydrant looks out of place but that's urbanisation I guess!

  7. What is a gatehouse? Why is it needed? Is there a main house that it protects? It's quite a structure and Iove to take a tour of the place. When I was a kid, I saw all stone walls like this one as a challenge and so I climbed and walked them and jumped over spaces. The jumping wasn't too smart as there was a time when I miscalculated and landed (eventually) in the hospital. Fortunately, the injury was too serious. I remember my dad could not watch the doctors when they sewed me up. He left the room quickly looking rather pale! (Hadn't thought about that incident in years!)

  8. Blimey that's a chimney! And I love that tower. I wonder what it is!

    Probably a noisy place to live in then?

  9. The gatehouse is lovely and has such a nice stone wall in front of it. This wintery scene is very pretty.

  10. Always thought it would be cool to live in a house with a turret.

  11. A nice gatehouse and fence. Most gatehouses I've seen would be a luxury to live in...

  12. What a lovely piece of very old architecture. It is interesting to think of it sitting in the countryside instead of there beside the sidewalk. How things change over the years. The snow adds a lovely touch.

  13. Now that is a nice gatehouse! I love the turret and the chimney.

  14. Thanks for heads up on the death of East Gwillimbury Camera Girl Tina Forrester. I have been following the internet chatter and searching for a news story to confirm it. I think this is the link but no names are mentioned.

  15. It has a certain English look to it. Lovely.

  16. What a beautiful stone facade!
    PS: Was really sad to hear about EG Wow's passing (that's how I will always remember her). Both of your blogs kept me interested in Toronto and Ontario before and after I moved there.
