Saturday, March 12, 2016

Winter Pond

Just before I took yesterday's pic at James Gardens I had taken this pic of the duck pond in winter. There were hundreds of ducks around and 3 Canada Geese with most of them in the water but some hardy souls sitting on the snow!
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. What the heck are they still doing up there. I think we ought to trade: you send us the ducks and we'll send back all the snowbirds from Ontario! OK? :)

  2. Oh my! Those feathers need to work overtime to keep them warm in that weather :) How weird you're still getting snow and tomorrow it's going to be 38C here and we're supposed to be in autumn :)

  3. Never seen so many ducks together!

  4. They are hardy little souls aren't they? Sticking out the winter seems much more daunting for small creatures.

  5. That's a whole lot. I seem to recall that turtle sculpture- you've no doubt photographed it before.

  6. It's a lovely sunny day today! They are forecasting highs in TO! We're only at 2 now!

  7. Enjoyable winter scene, dear. Looks like a giant tortoise to the right, fun!

  8. The geese seem appropriate there.

  9. They don't seem to mind! Huddle up!

  10. Hello, wow that is a lot of ducks for a small pond. It must be their happy place. Wonderful sighting and photo. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  11. So cold! But Spring is coming!
    Have a great week-end!

  12. Wow! That's quite a shot, Pat. Don't think I've ever seen such a concentration of ducks. No sign of spring yet, then..?

  13. WOW! Such a lot in that little pond. Have a good day.
