Wednesday, April 27, 2016


I showed you the original ghost sign that was here back in March (HERE) and mentioned that I had heard that it had been restored. I recently went back to check it out in its fresh condition and here it is. The Canvas Goods part on the right was from an even earlier sign that was here and these 2 words were covered by a small addition when the T. A Lytle sign was painted. I had stopped to take this pic and when I went back to my car the battery was dead and I had to be towed to my mechanic - it wasn't my day!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. Oh that's bad luck Pat, that sinking feeling when the engine won't turn over isn't fun! The refreshed signs look as good as new :)

  2. I really don't like restored ghost signs.

  3. It's interesting how the two words run together on the bottom sign. For a while I thought "fountacanvas" was a word I had never heard of before.
    I've have two similar car incidents in the last 6 months. I can relate.

  4. Very cool. Glad you are up and motoring again, Dear

  5. I don't know, Pat. If a ghost sign is restored, then is it still a ghost sign. It loses something, I think, in the restoration.

    Sorry about your dead battery. That happened to me a few years ago. Not much fun for sure.

  6. Glad you revisited as the signage is really neat. Motoring troubles are expensive in my experience!

  7. Thanks for the explanation- I'd have wondered what fountacanvis was!

  8. Sorry to hear about your car trouble. That's always frustrating, but at least you got a good picture of the sign.

  9. Ouch... very cool sign and thanks for the explanation. I was wondering what Fountacanvas goods were!!!

  10. too bad about your car's battery, but great job on following up on this sign!

  11. kinda quirky about the smidgeon of sign left and restored under the other. :)

  12. I love to see old signs restored and brought back to their original condition. It's always interesting to find out what businesses were in the older buildings...

  13. Kind of weird running signs from two time periods together. Fountacanvas??? Sorry about the dead battery. Fortunately, that doesn't sound too tough to get fixed.

  14. Sorry to hear you had to be towed! Great pic, though!

  15. Oh no! Sorry you had problems with your car. They certainly did a great job restoring this ghost sign though.

  16. I did a search for T. A. LYTLE COMPANY LTD and came up with this
    I thought you might be interested.

  17. Car troubles are not much fun.
    Hope they resolve in a reasonable way, Pat.

    Nice sign.
    Canvas goods - I like the idea.

    Best wishes!

  18. Look - Canadian 'catsup'!!
    They did a great cleanup job all around.

  19. Terrific restoration. I didn't know about the variation of "catsup". In Australia we call it tomato sauce.

  20. Your a dedicated photographer. Annoying to have battery troubles. But it is great to see this ghost sign repainted. Hope the car is all fixed now.

  21. Nice to see it again. It's looking good!

  22. Bad luck about the car, I hope it wasn't too expensive to get someone out. Interesting to see before and after pics

  23. Whenever you see this photo you will always have that memory :)
    Nice to see both photos!

  24. So sorry about your battery, that's not fun at all! But this is really a nice photo, and such bright painting they did!

  25. Well you got a great and interesting picture before your day went to heck. Bummer!

  26. This looks so familiar! I spent my first 25 years in Toronto! The next 25 in Ottawa!
