Monday, April 25, 2016

Sam The Chinese Food Man

I spotted another painted utility box just off Yonge St. There was a famous Sam The Record Man sign downtown for many years until the building was sold and the sign put into storage for display at another time but so far it is still in storage. It looks as if this sign is a play on that one.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. Very well done! Love the bright colours!

  2. I like it. Is it supposed to depict New York or do you have a Times Square in Toronto?

  3. This is a very cool mural!! Will have to check it out.

  4. Very colorful. You made me think of another Sam's that no longer exists. When I was working in Chicago, every now and then I went to this huge wine place called Sam's. It was as big as a football field and stocked every kind of wine you can imagine. It was always entertaining to shop there. You never knew what you might stumble on to.

  5. It looks bright and cheerful. That works for me!

  6. San Diego, CA also has painted utility boxes. This is a fine one with great colors.

  7. You do have the most interesting murals -- I never see enough to even think of joining this meme. I like the way the letters in his name are written -- you know it is probably about a Chinese restaurant when you see that style.

  8. Nice and bright colourful mural.

  9. It does evoke that sign. Ryerson "University" really dropped the ball on their so called promise about the sign itself.

  10. Nice one. I like the lettering too!

  11. great use of the utility box!

  12. I love it when utility boxes are painted like this one is. We have them here too and I need to get out and get some pictures!

  13. Brilliant colors and a very nice way to decorate the city with such an awesome expression!
    Have a Happy Week ahead, Pat!
    Peace :)

  14. A whole neighborhood fits on the utility box. A very cool scene. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  15. Very appropriate for the neighborhood! Nice eye-catching colors too.

  16. Do not miss a good advertisement :))

  17. Cool, RedPat. Brightening up these utility boxes (and discouraging disrespectful taggers) is a good idea.

  18. Great find.I love this, and would have liked to have one kitchen wall just like this.
    (It looks a bit like the style of the artist Pushwagner here in Norway.)

  19. Sam actually had a Sam the Chinese Food Man restaurant! It was just north of the record store, but I'm not sure how long it was open. Just discovered this today when I saw an old photo of the area - looked exactly like this painting.
