Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Another Craft Brewery

I spotted this sign in the Junction area recently and wasn't aware of the company but apparently it is a relatively new craft brewery that has beer available at several area bars and restaurants. I'll have to give it a try! And yes that is snow piled in the corner.
Taking part in Sigs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. Funny seeing the snow in the pile! Good advertising on their sign!

  2. There certainly have been a huge increase in craft beer companies.

  3. I'm hearing about more and more of these craft beer folks. I've never tried one of their products. Perhaps it's time. Snow? Snow? It was over 90 here most days last week! :)

  4. It must be a very new company as I presume they have wire hanging there for the overhead lights above their name. Looks good though!

  5. I imagine that's a spot that gets next to no direct sunlight, hence the snow.

  6. doesn't any one drink water anymore

  7. I prefer craft beer over the big breweries. It's new to me too.

  8. It would be interesting to have a look inside!

  9. Very clear sign here. Hope the beer is okay.

  10. New craft breweries are always fun, and often the beer is wonderful. Please let us know what you find out about this one. Good photo of the sign.

  11. I'm sure the beer is great but I am looking at that snow. Wonderful!

  12. Gosh Marin is lousy with quality craft brewers! too, P Cool photo

  13. Craft beers are really big over here, small brewers popping up everywhere...

  14. Nice find. We enjoy craft beers!

  15. It's interesting how many craft beers are being offered. Beer is not a beverage I like. My hubby did enjoy one once in awhile, especially in hot weather.

  16. Nice sign. There are a couple of new craft breweries that have opened here, but I'm not much of a beer drinker. I guess that snow will melt eventually!

  17. I'm not sure why but Henderson's sounds familiar Pat! Snow, that's incredible, surely not now though?
