Saturday, June 18, 2016

Company For Lunch

I usually only see one chipmunk at a time but last week I spotted these two enjoying a little snack together. They were getting along quite well until a slightly larger chipmunk came along and chased them both away after a bit of a tussle!
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more critters from around the world.


  1. Maybe they are so common for you to see, but I was so excited to see a chipmmunk in Banff. So very cute. Did not see one in Toronto.

  2. There's always a big guy coming along :) They're so sweet to look at Pat, super capture here.

  3. I think I've mentioned before we don't seem to have these little critters in this part of the world. I've seen one in Colorado and Minnesota, but never in Florida. They are arguably the cutest of the "nutty" family!

  4. What cute little guys foraging together. I do enjoy watching them scamper about.

  5. Fine wildlife shot. They are not quite as dramatic as lions, but great fun all the same.

  6. so stinking cute! we don't have them here in texas! i miss them.

  7. Hello, the chippers are cuties! I sometimes see two here, they like to chase each playing around. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  8. Oh, yeah. I had one sitting on my front walkway this morning when I cam back from exercising.

  9. I am seeing more of them now in Hartford. Bunnies, too.

  10. Sweet, like squirrels with attitude.
